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headspace Wollongong (Grand Pacific Health Ltd)

Fundraise, donate & share to show your support

  • 7Fundraisers
  • 89Donors
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headspace Wollongong provides free support to young people aged 12-25 years going through a tough time. Our services include counselling and mental health support, physical health, sexual health and contraception, drug and alcohol issues, and education and employment services. We also run activities, events and workshops aimed at engaging the local community, raising awareness and understanding about mental health, and breaking down barriers to seeking help.

Why are we needed?
One in four young people have experienced a mental health issue in the past 12 months. Suicide remains the leading cause of death for young Australians aged 15-24. Research shows that 75% of mental health issues emerge before the age of 25. By treating these issues early and providing a holistic model of support, the risk of them developing into more serious problems is greatly decreased. Your generous support helps us to provide vital mental health and wellbeing support, information and services to young people and their families across the Illawarra.

Fundraising Opportunities

Father's Day

Mudgee Classic 2024

Snowy Classic 2024

Mother's Day 2020

Swimming for a cause

Fundraising at Work

Making a Difference

Special Occasion (Celebration)

In Memory



Running for a cause

Cycling for a cause


Getting Married

Giving Season Appeal

Father's Day

Mudgee Classic 2024

Snowy Classic 2024

Mother's Day 2020

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Recent Fundraisers

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Recent Donors

  • AUD $212.00
  • Illawarra Toyota
  • AUD $84.80
  • Landy Warda
  • AUD $500.00
  • Goran Stojanovski
  • AUD $200.00
  • AUD $848.00
  • Michelle & David Judson
  • AUD $212.00
  • david judson

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